USAID's Feed the Future Bangladesh Nutrition Activity Teams Up with Folia Water Global to Promote Affordable Paper Water Filters for Rural Low income people
Most rural citizens in Bangladesh get their drinking water from tube-wells, surface water, or rainwater, which can be contaminated and cause disease. This is why USAID - US Agency for International Development ’s Feed the Future Bangladesh Nutrition Activity began working with Folia Water, a local business, to market their low-cost paper water filters that reduce microbial contamination. Folia Water partners with 150 rural retailers to promote safe drinking water practices and filters to selected communities, and sales agents teach thousands of rural families about the benefits of these filters and how to properly use them.
“Earlier, we thought that tube-well water is the safest water,” Mr. Dulal Khan, a new Folia Water filter user from Chandani Mohol Village in Khulna. “We did not realize that tubewell water can be contaminated with germs and chemicals. Now we are consuming safer water by using the Folia Water filter.”
So far, 11,000 people are using Folia Water filters. In January 2022, the company will expand to the Patuakhali region with the goal of onboarding 300 new retailers and providing safe drinking water for thousands of rural residents in this area.